Assignment for Lesson 7.3 Study your nature of working style, compare with other leader ship style and judge yourself.

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Assignment for Lesson 7.3

Study your nature of working style, compare with other leader ship style and judge yourself. Find out to which category of leader ship you belong to and submit a report.


In any organization, leadership plays a critical role in achieving its goals and objectives. This is especially true in vocational training, where the quality of leadership can have a significant impact on the development of skilled professionals. In this context, it is essential to understand the leadership styles of individuals in positions of authority, such as the Fitter Vocational Training Instructor and the Training Officer. By comparing and contrasting their leadership styles, we can gain insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and the impact of their leadership on trainees' development. In this report, we will analyze the leadership styles of the Fitter Vocational Training Instructor and the Training Officer, judge the effectiveness of the Fitter Vocational Training Instructor's leadership style, and determine which category of leadership the Fitter Vocational Training Instructor belongs to.

To compare the leadership style of a Fitter Vocational Training Instructor with a Training Officer,

We need to understand the roles and responsibilities of both positions.

A Fitter Vocational Training Instructor is responsible for imparting training to students on various aspects of fitter trade, including safety precautions, tool handling, and machine operations.

On the other hand, a Training Officer is responsible for designing, implementing, and managing training programs for employees in an organization.

Both positions require strong leadership skills, but the style of leadership may differ based on the specific requirements of the job. In general, a Fitter Vocational Training Instructor may need to adopt a more hands-on approach, closely monitoring the progress of individual students and providing feedback and guidance. The instructor may need to be flexible in their approach, adapting their teaching style to the needs of each student.

A Training Officer, on the other hand, may need to adopt a more strategic approach, identifying the training needs of the organization and developing programs that meet those needs. The officer may need to be more focused on developing policies and procedures to ensure that training programs are effective and efficient.

In terms of leadership style, both positions may require a mix of different styles depending on the situation. However, a Fitter Vocational Training Instructor may be more inclined towards a coaching or mentoring style of leadership, whereas a Training Officer may need to adopt a more transformational or visionary style of leadership.

Based on this analysis, it is fair to say that the leadership style of a Fitter Vocational Training Instructor is more focused on hands-on training and individual development, whereas the leadership style of a Training Officer is more strategic and focused on the overall development of the organization's workforce.

As for the category of leadership that a Fitter Vocational Training Instructor belongs to, it can be argued that they exhibit a mix of coaching, mentoring, and authoritative styles of leadership, depending on the situation. They are authoritative in ensuring safety and discipline in the workshop, while also coaching and mentoring students to develop their skills and knowledge.

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